Thursday, October 29, 2015

Electronic Touch Tablet

Electronic touch tablets are similar to laptops but they are even more portable for students to use and they also have a touchscreen! It is becoming more and more common for students to have this technology already in their home, and most school have mobile iPad Carts and Tablets. Many students benefit from the use of tablets. Auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners are great candidates for tablets. In addition, students with ADHD and autism can also excel when using a tablet. The most popular brand of electronic touch tablets is the iPad. iPads allow students use a myriad of apps to develop their reading, writing, math, listening, and speaking skills. Apps can be downloaded based on a students' strengths, needs, and interests. There are an abundance of apps for different educational needs and also apps for assistive technology!   Since technology tends to be very motivating and engaging for students, it can help many students access the curriculum and experience success. I have used iPads in many aspects of my lessons and it always helps to keep the students engaged and excited to learn!


  1. I really enjoyed your discussion about electronic touch tablets. I agree that they definitely are great tools because they can reach students in so many ways. Every different type of learner, auditory, kinesthetic, and visual, can benefit from these incredible tablets. The best part is the thousands, or probably millions, of different apps that there are available to help educate students in all subjects. I also thought it was great that we both used the same video in our blogs!

    1. Tom, thank you for your response to my post! I also agree that these are great tools that can be used toad all different types of learners due the the variety of functions they provide. The abundance of apps really make it possible for these devices to be so versatile! and it was a great video right?
