Thursday, October 8, 2015

Spinning the (UDL) Wheel

The UDL Learning Wheel is another great resource and tool for teachers to use in the creation of universally designed lessons. With each spin of the wheel, a different principle of UDL is highlighted. Each panel contains the description of a principle and provides specific ways of implementing the principle as well as providing resources to use in implementation. This a really great way to brainstorm ways to incorporate UDL techniques into lessons.

The UDL Project provides a printable version of the wheel. I recommend printing one out for yourself, because it is a great tool to keep on hand when creating lessons. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that the UDL wheel is very cool. It provides so many great ideas to help any teacher who is trying to incorporate UDL into their lesson plans. The actual website was also fun to use. Being able to interactively spin the wheel was a lot more entertaining than any of the other sites where you could only read the information.
