Thursday, October 29, 2015

Keyboard Alternatives

Many students with disabilities are not able to use a standard keyboard for the computer. There is a wide range of options that can be used to help these students.
Alternative Keyboard Options:
Expanded Keyboards: These are enlarged keyboards that offer a larger surface area. These are great for students with poor fine motor control but must have a large range of motion to access the keys. they can be in QWERTY layout or alphabetical layout based on what will work best for the student.

Mini Keyboards: These a keyboards that are much smaller than the standard keyboard. These are great for students with motor impairments that have a restricted range of motion and have accuracy within their narrow range of motion. These can be arranged in QWERTY layout or frequency-of-use layout.
One-handed Keyboards: These allow users to control the entire keyboard using one hand. These are great for student with great use of their finger but only use one hand. These are designed in a way that with familiarity, students can type without having to look at the keyboard.

Onscreen Keyboards: These keyboards provide computer access for students that do not have the necessary motor skills to operate a keyboard but are able to use a mouse or an alternative mouse.

Customizable Keyboards: There is a great range of ways to customize a keyboard, and with this option the keyboard is designed for a specific student's needs or to meet specific educational tasks.

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