Thursday, October 8, 2015

UDL in Action

So far, I have mentioned a lot about what Universal Design for Learning is and the different components that it is comprised off. It is also important to see UDL in action in the classroom. In the video below, you will see a great demonstration of UDL in action. Keep note of how the teacher represents materials in ways that meet all types of learners (kinesthetic, visual, etc.) and how she uses a variety of activities to engage learners and foster collaboration between students! The most important aspect and goal of UDL is break down barriers to create lessons that meet the needs and interests of all students. I think she did a great job of doing that in her lesson.

Article about the lesson & related resources:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this video! I loved how the teacher used the manipulative throughout the lesson. This is a great example to show that you do not need technology to make the lessons part of the UDL framework. All of the students were engaged in this lesson while matching the numbers to magnets and fishing for the numbers. It is a good way to remind us that we do not always need technology to engage students and make the learning meaningful, but adding little activities to lessons will go a long way!
