Thursday, October 8, 2015

More UDL Resources?

A teacher can never have to many tools on their tool belt! UDL Resource is a great website for aid in UDL instructional planning. This website provides information about Universal Design for Learning, the three principles of UDL, and also has suggestions for free and low-cost tools that can be used in designing a universal lesson. This website provide a very clear, easily navigated guide for using technologies to meet all three principles (multiple means of representation, multiple means of action and expression, and multiple means of engagement) as well as technological UDL resources that can be used on smart phones. This website is worth checking out! Here is a little preview of what you'll find:


1 comment:

  1. I really liked this site! Thank you for the recommendation. I will absolutely be using this resource as well as sharing it with my co-workers. Also, I have enjoyed following and reading your blog posts. Can't wait to see what other resources you have in your own toolkit!
