Thursday, October 1, 2015

Great UDL Guidelines

In my class, we explored a great number of resources that provide guidelines for designing lessons according to UDL. These guidelines provide information of the different breakdown of the different components of the three principles. Each principle has a subset of three main components. These components are made up of key areas that need to be address in order to ensure that a lesson properly designed in a UDL manner.  Below you will find a great example and resource from the CAST website. Each area of this guideline hosts a link that provides a detailed explanation and examples. This is a worksheet that can be used as a self-check on lessons to see if a lesson meets the three principles. 

Your notes

Your notes

Your notes


  1. This is great! I also found this website to be very helpful. The fact that the site provides so many different examples for each checkpoint from the UDL guidelines is incredible. It will make every teachers life so much easier if they are trying to add Universal Design for Learning to any of their lesson plans.

  2. Thank you for your comment Tom! Im glad that this resource was helpful for you and hopefully made UDL lesson planning a little bit easier for you. Feel free to check out some of the other resources that I have posted for some more helpful tools!

  3. I agree with you, this checklist was very helpful when evaluating my lesson plan. The website was easy to access and gave great information on each UDL guideline. It gave specific ideas for how to implement the guideline. This is a great tool for all educators to have and use when creating lesson plans that are designed to help all students succeed.
