Thursday, October 8, 2015

Reflecting on the Past

As educators is important to self-reflect in order to see what we do well on and what we can improve on in the future. As a apart of an assignment for class, we revisited old lessons that we have created and assessed them to see how they met the UDL framework (provided in my post: Great UDL Guidelines). After evaluating my lesson, I have realized that one of my strengths was using multiple ways of representing my materials through text, PowerPoint’s, videos, oral presentation of materials, graphic organizers, and use of relevant, real-life examples (checkpoint 1[1.1,1.2,1.3] Provide options for perception). An area that I realized needed more attention was my use or resources for ELL students (2.4 Promote understanding across language). I made sure to address this when revising my lesson. I had also noticed that the area of my lesson that needed more work was the use of assistive technologies (checkpoint 4.2 Optimize access to tools and assistive technologies). After learning about the variety of ways to use assistive technologies, I had noticed many places that my lesson could incorporate them. My goal for future lessons is to consider and incorporate a variety of assistive technologies. 

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